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Greg Smith

Greg and his wife Trish


The Smiths moved to the Monument, CO area in July of 2008 when Greg became the full time pulpit minister for the Tri-Lakes church of Christ. Greg has one very important philosophy about how to preach and teach from God’s word; “Keep it simple!”

The challenge in every sermon and every class is for all of us to grow spiritually. Ephesians 4 is filled with the challenge for God’s people to be united in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. God meets everyone right where they are but He refuses to let them stay there. God wants all people everywhere to reach out for Him and find Him (Acts 17:27) and once they reach out for Him they need to continue to grow. Grow closer to God and grow in their understanding of who God is and what He wants from them.

Our Elders

“The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Therefore an overseer must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not a drunkard, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money. He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church? He must not be a recent convert, or he may become puffed up with conceit and fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover, he must be well thought of by outsiders, so that he may not fall into disgrace, into a snare of the devil.”

1 Timothy 3:1-7

Bill Kritz

Bill and his wife Anita

Eddy Boyles

Eddy and his wife Misty

John Gardner

John and his wife Terrie

Mike Pruett

Mike and his wife Suzanne

Stephen Roitsch

Stephen and his wife Julie

Tom Rackley

Tom and his wife Chris


Youth & Family Minister

Vance Lucero

Vance and his wife Kasey

Jason Looney

(Family Outreach, New Families, Visitors)

Jason and his wife Julie

Rod Nordman

(Budget & Finance)

Rod and his wife Jenny

Troy Coats

(Buildings & Grounds)

Troy and his wife Leslie

Jim Green

(Buildings & Grounds)

Jim and his wife Karen

Craig Cheatham

Craig and his wife Carylee

Tom Larkin

(Benevolence, Diamonds, Elderly/Shut-Ins/Widow(er)s)

Tom and his wife Colleen

Tim Reiman

(Budget & Finance)

Tim and his wife Melissa

Kevin Dodds

(Buildings & Grounds)

Kevin and his wife Junessa

Mark Dix

(Worship & Assembly, Security)

Mark and his wife Linda

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