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Cabin Conversations

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Are you interested in the idea of being part of an amazing community? Are you exploring life’s tough questions and wondering how – or even if – faith fits into the scheme of things?

If so, please join us for a meal and meaningful conversation each Wednesday evening at 6pm.

We gather for dinner in the log house at the intersection of County Line Road and Beacon Lite Road (20450 Beacon Lite Road 80132), close to the County Line Road exit off I-25. Click or Touch Here for Directions

Please do not feel the need to bring any food or drink, as you are our guest – we’ll provide everything.

At 6:30pm we’ll wrap up our meal and discussions will begin. We’d love for you to stick around for these. You’ll have the option to hang out in the cabin for quality conversation with other guests and members of our church family, or to join church members for a Bible study in a nearby building – totally your call.

We look forward to meeting you some Wednesday evening soon!

(In case there is any question about the weather affecting this gathering, check out our home page before you head our way. We’ll post news of any cancellations there.)

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