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Nursery – 5th Grade

Children's Ministry

The purpose of the Tri-Lakes Sprouts Ministry is to impress upon the hearts of our children the enduring and everlasting love of God and His plan to bring us into relationship with Him though Jesus Christ.

The goal of every teacher in every class is to reflect the love of God as they engage our children through song, story, activities, crafts, and conversation — bringing The Story to life that unveils God’s holy and redemptive character.

Build strong faith foundations and help equip our kids with the resources they need to thrive.
Create fun and engaging class settings so our kids are excited to learn and feel comfortable asking questions.
Teach the story behind the story and how God has used the Bible to help us know Him more.
Partner with a team of individuals who are invested in the growth & spiritual development of the next generation.

Teaching Teams

Each quarter, a team of four teachers plus a team captain is needed for the Nursery & Toddler, Preschool & Kinder, Early Elementary, and Upper Elementary classes. These teams work together to cover Sunday morning and Wednesday night classes for the quarter. Each teacher will facilitate a class on Sunday mornings, while teams can coordinate Wednesday night coverage and may opt to rotate based on availability.

Sundays and Wednesdays will be approximately 25 minutes in the classroom, with Sunday introducing the topic/Biblical event, and Wednesday being a review of Sunday’s session and added emphasis on the “so what” and the correlations with Jesus being the fulfillment of the plan of redemption.

We provide our teaching teams with a full lesson plan including multiple curriculum options to fit your teaching style, along with supplemental resources such as videos, craft kits, printables, and more!

Sunday Morning Schedule
  • 11:30 am – Round-up & Preview
  • 11:35 am – Classes (4 Teachers)
Wednesday Night Schedule
  • 6:45 pm – All Ages in Auditorium
  • 6:50 pm – GFH Cleanup
  • 7:00 pm – Review & Big Picture Overview
  • 7:05 pm – Classes (2 teachers)

What You’ll Do

Team Captain

As a team captain (coordinator), you will manage the teacher calendar, send reminders, arrange for substitutes, and assist in the Sunday Morning/Wednesday night rotations. Additionally, the team captain will ensure classrooms are stocked before the start of the quarter.

Needed Each Quarter:   


As a teacher, you will have a Sunday morning class each week during the quarter. The 4 teachers will partner with their captain to ensure that 2 Wednesday night classes are covered, along with the GFH cleanup (more below). Members of the teaching team can also assist with activity/craft preparation beforehand if they will not be available on a Wednesday night.

Needed Each Quarter:   


Coordinated by the teaching team each quarter

Chat with your team to share ideas and ensure adequate coverage for Sundays & Wednesdays.

Check Out the Lesson

Familiarize yourself with the week’s lesson – you might discover something in the text you’ve never noticed.

Activity Prep

Plan ahead – find a great craft or activity to compliment an upcoming lesson? Share it with your team!

On Sunday Morning

Coordinated by the teaching team each quarter
Guest Welcomer

Meet & greet any guests with children and extend a personal invitation to join a bible class.

Teaching Team Member(s) Needed:

Round-Up & Preview

Gather all students in the common room to eat a snack, talk, sing, and introduce the morning’s topic.

Teaching Team Member(s) Needed:

Teaching a Class

Teachers should plan to break up a 25-minute class period into 4 or 5 sections to keep the kids engaged.

Teaching Team Member(s) Needed:

On Wednesday Evening

Coordinated by the teaching team each quarter
GFH Cleanup

One or two teachers help lead the kids in cleaning up the GFH after the Wednesday night meal.

Teaching Team Member(s) Needed:

Review & Big Picture Overview

5-10 minute refresher on Sunday’s topic emphasizing connections to the overall redemption story.

Teaching Team Member(s) Needed:

Teaching a Class

Teachers should plan to break up a 25-minute class period into 4 or 5 sections to keep the kids engaged.

Teaching Team Member(s) Needed:



Nursery & Toddlers

0-3 Years Old

Pre-K & Kinder

3-5 Years Old

Early Elementary

1st-3rd Grade

Upper Elementary

4th-5th Grade



Toddler - Kinder

18mo-5 Years Old

All Elementary

1st-5th Grade